Ensure that all the HTTP calls you're expecting an SDK to make are being made. Test POST bodies, error handling and any other part of the request/response that you like
Using the wiki on GitHub makes life more difficult for your users, and you as a maintainer. Use the /docs folder and GitHub Pages instead and keep your docs in sync with code
If you’ve been online at all this week, chances are that you’ve heard about the Log4Shell zero-day (CVE-2021-44228) in Log4J, a popular Java logging library. The vulnerability enables Remote CodeContinue reading
A look at GITHUB_TOKEN, Personal Access Tokens and authenticating with GitHub Applications for GitHub Actions. Pros, cons and real world examples of when each option is the right choice.
In this tutorial, I’ll go through the process of moving from Kong Gateway OSS to Konnect. It’ll take about 20 minutes if you want to work through it too.
Use Netlify Functions and their on-demand build functionality to generate OpenGraph images just in time and persist them on a CDN to reduce your serverless costs