Explain, from your shell

18 Sep 2013 in Tech

A few weeks ago, almost everyone on Twitter was sharing Explain Shell - with good reason. It's an awesome site that you can copy and paste a command into and it'll explain each component of it to you.

There are a few examples on the homepage, I particularly like tar xzvf archive.tar.gz and ssh -i keyfile -f -N -L 1234:www.google.com:80 host.

Now, whilst you can copy and paste a command you're working on into the site, wouldn't it be awesome if you could trigger it from your command line? Thanks to Schneems, you can!. I prefer the shell version, so add the following to your .bashrc (or .zshrc etc) and then next time you want to see what a command does, just add explain to the beginning of it.

function explain {
# base url with first command already injected
# $ explain tar
# => http://explainshel.com/explain/tar?args=
# removes $1 (tar) from arguments ($@)
# iterates over remaining args and adds builds the rest of the url
for i in "$@"; do
# opens url in browser
open $url