Conference talks, workshops and podcast appearances over the years
Kong Ingress Controller for Kong Gateway Users
- JanuaryKong WebinarWebinar
What's new in Kong Gateway 3.6?
- FebruaryKong WebinarWebinar
DevRel is a cost center
- May
Learning through failure
- MayMajor League HackingPodcast
What's new in Kong Gateway 3.2 + Kong Ingress 2.9?
- MarchKong WebinarWebinar
Making Kong Cloud-Native with the Kong Ingress Controller
- MayKong WebinarWebinar
Improving Day-2 Operations with Kong Gateway
- AugustKong WebinarWebinar
Painless Kong Gateway Upgrades on Kubernetes with the Kong Gateway Operator
- OctoberKong WebinarWebinar
Gateway to the Future: Kong Ingress Controller 3.0
- NovemberKong WebinarWebinar
WTF are OKRs
- September
What's new in Kong Gateway 3.0?
- NovemberKong SummitTalk
Controlling Your Kong Gateway With decK and CI/CD
- September
Advanced GitHub Actions
- OctoberGitHub NovaTalk
Controlling your Kong Gateway with decK and CI/CD
- OctoberKong WebinarWebinar
But why does the business care?
- November
API Standards 2.0
- February
- April
Zero to Jenkins: Automatic builds + deploys
- February
- MayPHP KonfTalk
Move over Graphite, Prometheus is here
- MarchPHP HampshireTalk
- MarchBrighton PHPTalk
- AprilLonghorn PHPTalk
- MayNomadPHPTalk
- May
Meet Terraform
- AprilLonghorn PHPTalk
Dr Sheldon Cooper Presents: Fun with Flags
- AprilPHP WarwickshireTalk
- MayPHP LondonTalk
- May
- May
- June
- SeptemberNortheast PHPTalk
Behat for characterization tests
- May
- June
Open API Specifications for Technical Writers
- October
API Standards 2.0
- October
Code Archaeology: Becoming Indiana Jones
- JanuaryPHP BeneluxTalk
Metrics and an application log: your new best friends
- February
WordPress as a 12 Factor Application
- MarchPHP BerkshireTalk
- MarchMidwest PHPTalk
Profiling your PHP application
- MarchMidwest PHPTalk
Don’t believe everything you learn
- May
- May
- June
A Beginner's Guide to Deployments
- May
Zero to Jenkins: Automatic builds + deploys
- MayPHP SrbijaTalk
- OctoberPHPNWTalk
Meet Terraform
- September
- September
- NovemberPHP[World]Tutorial
Behat for characterization tests
- NovemberPHP[World]Talk
Profiling your PHP application
- January
- JanuaryPHP BerkshireTalk
- January
- May
- JunePHP SurreyTalk
- June
- JulyBrighton PHPTalk
- NovemberPHP WarwickshireTalk
Vagrant and Ansible
- JanuaryPHP BeneluxTalk
Devops for Developers
- JanuaryPHP BeneluxTalk
Automation Automation Automation
- February
- February
- OctoberScotland PHPTalk
Code Archaeology: Becoming Indiana Jones
- AprilPHP OxfordTalk
- MayPHP DorsetTalk
- May
- August
- October
Metrics and an application log: your new best friends
- May
- October
WordPress as a 12 Factor Application
- October
- NovemberPHP[World]Talk
A Beginner's Guide to Deployments
- NovemberPHP DorsetTalk
- NovemberPHP[World]Talk
Vagrant and Ansible
PHP and Standards
- May
Pipeline Architectures
- August
- October
Vagrant and Ansible
- FebruaryBrighton PHPTalk
- MarchPHP DorsetTalk
- OctoberPHPNWTutorial
Bringing your application into 2014
- MayPHP HampshireTalk
- October
Metrics and an application log: your new best friends
- September
Asynchronous Working
- April
Vagrant and Ansible
- October
Mobile development with Titanium
- SeptemberThe Digital BarnTalk
Designing systems to scale
- October
- October