API Standards 2.0

We’re all familiar with things like HTTP codes and content types, but there’s so much more we can do when developing an API to make life easier for consumers. How many times have you used an API only to find out that every endpoint is slightly different – some use snake_case, others camelCase, sometimes the field is called id, sometimes it’s user_id. How about pagination? Error responses? What about API documentation?

Trying to standardise on all these things can kill an engineering team. There are so many options out there it’s difficult to know where to start. Come along and learn what works for our team! We’ll cover contentious topics (should the version be in the URL or a header?), lesser-known standards that are great (RFC 7807 springs to mind) and a couple of things that aren’t an issue right up until they’re a really big issue (like pagination).



Oct 04, 2018

API City

Seattle, USA