Filter Google Analytics report

29 Nov 2022 in TIL

I'm trying out Radar to keep track of analytics at a glance. It's Google Analytics collection works great, but the way that we've set up Google Analytics the data for multiple sites ends up in the same property.

I wanted to filter the report to only traffic to a specific subdomain. It took me too long to work out that I needed a dimensionFilterClauses entry with the ga:pagePath (via the schema).

Here's how to filter your reports in case you (or I) need to do it in the future:

"reportRequests": [
"viewId": "YOUR_VIEW_ID",
"dateRanges": [
"startDate": "today",
"endDate": "today"
"dimensions": [
"name": "ga:date"
"metrics": [
"expression": "ga:pageviews"
"dimensionFilterClauses": [
"filters": [
"dimensionName": "ga:pagePath",
"operator": "PARTIAL",
"expressions": [""]

Other things that may be useful:

Method: POST
Auth: Bearer [token]

Then transform the results using the following JS snippet:

const pageCount = Number(